释义 |
- 男性代言人:一个男性形象代言人,用于展示某个组织、运动或产品的成功、吸引力或典型性。
- 1
The poster boys of the global elite—Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs—are an impressive lot. 那些全球精英的代表性人物的确是些了不起的角色,像比尔·盖茨,沃伦·巴菲特,史蒂夫·乔布斯。 - 2
They have already become poster-boys for the whoopie pie, with their velvet and chocolate marble varieties winning ecstatic reviews from bloggers and journalists. 他们做出的有天鹅绒和巧克力点缀的无比派蛋糕,使得他们上了海报,并赢得了博客和记者们欣喜若狂的评论。 - 3
These are the poster-boys of the angel world, blond, muscled and shining. 他们都是天使世界中的典范,有着金黄的头发和强健的肌肉,闪耀着金光。