释义 |
- 生产模式:指企业或工厂在生产过程中采用的一种特定的组织和管理方式。
1 ?生产方式 ...论文,硕士毕业论文,MBA毕业论文,博士毕业论文 关键词]生产方式;演进过程;变革;影响 [gap=349]Key Words: production pattern;evolving process; Transformation; influence ... 2 ?生产纸样 ... Predrinking 预缩 Production pattern 生产纸样 Remnant布尾, 零码布 ... 3 ?生产形态 生产形态(production pattern), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 4 ?确定生产井网 2.确定生产井网(production pattern)和射孔方案 根据基础井网,待油层对比工作完成后,全面部署各层系的生产井网,依据层系和井网确定注采井井别并编制方案,进行射孔...
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Networked mass customization production pattern based on product life-cycle is presented. 研究了面向产品生命周期的网络化大规模定制生产模式。 - 2
Through improving water drive effects and reducing decline rate, a production pattern has been provided for the high water-cut reservoirs. 为这一类高含水油藏改善水驱油效果,减缓油田递减速度,提高油田采收率提供了开发模式。 - 3
Finally, networked mass customization production pattern, which is embodied by virtual supply chain, based on product life-cycle is constructed. 最后,形成了面向产品生命周期的网络化大规模定制的虚拟供应链运行模式。