...唤,法律审理,证讼,事实审理,执行5 个环节,民众诉讼的原告要以自己的名 义全部参加这些环节,他甚至不得使用代理人(Procurator)(D.3,3,43,2),这跟公民义务(例 如兵役义务)不得由他人代行的道理是一样的.
... 检察长 procurator-general 检察员 procurator 社长 director ...
大检察官 ; 法 副检察长
助理检察官 ; 助理检察员
Relatives have been informed and a full report will be sent to the procurator fiscal.
BBC: Murder inquiry after man's body found in Glasgow flat
Police also recorded five alleged drug offences and reports will be sent to the procurator fiscal.
BBC: Scotland-England border
There were no suspicious circumstances but a report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.
BBC: Former footballer Charlie Adam dies suddenly