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Jet pump may be all kinds of material, such as cast iron, steel, stainless steel, Hastelloy, titanium, ceramic, glass, plastics and graphite, and made of various sizes. 喷射泵可由各种各样的材料制成,例如铸铁、钢、不锈钢、哈氏合金、钛、搪瓷、玻璃、塑料和石墨,并可制成各种尺寸。 - 2
Carburetors for automobile engines usually contained a storage chamber for liquid fuel, a choke, an idling jet, a main jet, an airflow restriction, and an accelerator pump. 汽车发动机用的化油器的组成通常包括燃油室、阻风门、怠速量孔、主量孔、空气节流喉管和加速泵。 - 3
The inlet pressure of the jet pump can also be obtained by the pressure ratio, and it can be used for acquiring the productivity curve of an oil well. 这样,就可以计算出诊断喷射泵井工况所需要的压力比,流量比和泵效等工况参数,泵吸入口压力还可用来计算油井的产能曲线。