释义 |
1 ?抽水厂 ... pumping main 泵水干管 pumping plant 抽水厂 pumping station 抽水站;泵房;泵站 ... 2 ?泵站 ... power plant 动力厂(发电厂)... pumping plant 泵站 refrigerating plant 冷冻厂,制冷装置,冷冻装... 3 ?泵唧装置 ... 泵能力:pump capacity 泵唧装置:pumping plant 泵唧周:pumping main ...
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The gas-lift pumping plant is the power source, the gas volume has a direct effect on the scale of gas lift and the selection of power motor will directly affect the cost of gas-lift system. 压缩机组作为气举采油的动力源,其气量直接影响气举采油的规模,而动力机的选择也将直接影响整个气举系统的经济效益; - 2
Workers at the Fukushima plant are pumping seawater, treated with boron, to try to cool the overheating reactor cores. 福岛核反应堆得工作人员正在用硼处理过的海水冷却过热的反应堆芯。 - 3
She bent hard on the path to the house, balling her fists and pumping them through the brambles and honeysuckle, not even caring if one plant stung and the other sweetened. 走在屋前小径上时,她使劲弯着腰,握起拳头一路捶打着荆棘和忍冬,根本不在意是否一种刺人一种迷人。