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泵、压缩机 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The exchange asynchronous motor in the gas system, pull in air blower, water pump, compressor, etc. mainly. 燃气系统中的交流异步电动机,主要用于拖动风机、水泵、压缩机等。 - 2
Single lip teflon seal, low friction, suitable for windmill, pump, compressor, gearbox, engine bearing and other applications. 适于风车、泵、压缩机、齿轮箱、引擎曲轴箱等各种应用。 - 3
Same thing is happening with geothermal, "he said." you're running a pump and a compressor all of the time, and you get consistently high electric bills, but for 12 months, not just during summer. “使用地热也会出现同样的情况,”他说,“热力泵和空气压缩机时刻都在运转,你会不断收到高额的电费账单,是一年12个月都会收到,而不仅仅是夏季。”