释义 |
- n.抽水处理:一种地下水污染修复技术,通过抽取污染地下水,然后进行处理以去除污染物,最后将处理过的水排放或回注到地下。
1 ?地下水扬水法 ... pump(ing) installation ==> 唧送装置,唧送装置 pump-and-treat ==> 地下水扬水法 pump-fed ==> 泵输给 ...
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What happened, the pre-treat (chemical), we think, flooded the pump separator and we may have got some fluid where we didn't want it and it'll take us a while to work through a procedure to recover. 发生了什么事,我们认为,是预处理(化学)淹没了泵的分隔器,我们会在不想要流体的地方得到一些流体,这将要我们花一段时间完成一套程序来修复它。 - 2
Prescription proton pump inhibitors are used to treat conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), stomach and small intestine ulcers, and inflammation of the esophagus. 处方质子泵抑制剂用于治疗的疾病如反流性胃食管疾病(GERD)、胃和小肠溃疡、食道炎症。 - 3
Applies the heat pump driven liquid desiccant fresh air handling unit to treat fresh air, ground source heat pump to provide cooling, heating and domestic hot water. 采用高效热泵式溶液调湿机组处理新风,地源热泵机组供冷、供热、供生活热水。