释义 |
1 ?可抽运性 ... 可捣制成型的耐火材料:refractory mouldable 可抽运性:pump ability 可拆卸探测器:detachable detector ...
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"As lungs get progressively worse, the ability of the body to compensate goes down and the heart can't pump strongly enough," says Norman Edelman of the American lung Association. “当肺部日益恶化时,机体代偿能力下降,心脏泵血机能不够强”,美国肺协的诺曼·艾得曼说。 - 2
The effect is to freeze much of the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber, disrupting its ability to contract and effectively pump blood. 其结果是作为心脏的主要动力区的左心室的收缩和有效供血能力受到干扰。 - 3
We saw an improvement in the ejection fraction, in the ability of the heart to pump out blood, of 25%. 我们看到,在药物注射部位,心脏的泵血功能提高了25%。