释义 |
- QWERTY键盘:一种常见的计算机和打字机键盘布局,其名称来源于键盘左上角的前六个字母。
- n.
1 the standard typewriter keyboard; the keys for Q, W, E, R, T, and Y are the first six from the left on the top row of letter keys
- 1
Unlike other one-hand keyboards, this one is based fully on the QWERTY system so you don't have to learn a new method of typing. 和其他单手使用的键盘不同,二分之一键盘完全建立在QWERTY输入系统上,所以你不用再学习一种新的打字方法。 - 2
As such, English will remain the international language of choice for the same reason keyboards retain the ungainly QWERTY configuration-it got there first. 因此,英语将仍然为优先选用的国际语言,这也还出于以下原因,即电脑键盘仍然保留难用的QWERTY配置——只因其捷足先登。 - 3
On smartphones, virtual keyboards have largely replaced the more expensive electromechanical keyboards, with a few notable exceptions such as BlackBerries and QWERTY texting phones. 大部分智能手机的键盘已经不再使用较为昂贵的机电键盘,取而代之的是虚拟键盘,不过也有几个显著例外,比如黑莓手机还有使用标准传统打字键盘的短信手机。