...cess step time warning 处理步时间警告 ; 处理步骤时警告 ; 过程步骤时警告 ; 进程步时间警告 process life time处理寿命时间 the process of time 时间的推移 ..
Every life form on the planet is experiencing the process of these higher energies coming into the planet during this time cycle.
在更高能量注入地球的这段时间周期里,行星上的 每种生命形态 都正在经历这一过程。
A machine with a productive life of many years that is used in the production process wears out over time and at the end of its lifetime needs to be replaced.
"That decision-making process all depends on what a woman is looking for in a relationship at that time of her life, " said Lynda Boothroyd, from Durham University’s Department of Psychology.