释义 |
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Identify which views, functions, procedures, and triggers are rendered inoperative by the changes and which ones are still operative after the change. 识别哪些视图、函数、过程和触发器在变更后不起作用,哪些视图、函数、过程和触发器在变更后还起作用。 - 2
Results Compared with the traditional hernia repair procedures, Mesh Plug tension free hernioplasty had short operative time, rapid recovery, less complications and lower recurrent rate. 结果无张力疝修补术与传统疝修补术相比,具有手术时间短,术后恢复快,并发症少,复发率低等优点。 - 3
Conclusion Rapid and effective resuscitation, shortened preoperative time, appropriate operative procedures and prompt management of associated injury will earn a higher success rate. 结论:快速有效复苏,缩短术前时间,正确选择手术方式,积极处理合并伤,可提高救治成功率。