菲利普港(Port Phillip)市包含了墨尔本港(Port Melbourne)及 南墨尔本 ( South Melbourne )的郊区,圣科达(St Kilda)是其中的一部分。
位于亚拉河畔,,由内陆的菲腊港 (Port Phillip) 一直向外伸延。众多优美静谧的公园绿地是墨尔本的最大特色。
...利亚州的东南部,其东北侧与新南威尔士州相邻,西侧则与莫宁顿半岛(Mornington Peninsula)十分靠近。菲利普港(Port Phillip)区域著名的雅拉谷(Yarra Valley)就位于吉普史地附近。吉普史地是澳大利亚葡萄…
The records are the foundation documents of European settlement in the Port Phillip and Melbourne region.
UNESCO: Communication et information
Port Phillip Association Records held at the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne.
Engineer Phillip Vann, who lives in Port Pendennis, close to the docks, said he did not think "risks should be taken with the public in general".
BBC: Falmouth explosion fear from ammonium nitrate store