释义 |
- 利马豆:一种白色或淡绿色的豆类,也可以指一种大型的白色至淡棕色利马豆。
1 ?豆 ...let)、大麦、糙米、玉米、裸麦、燕麦、荞麦、夏威夷豆(macadamia)、竹笋、腰果、绿豆、利马豆、青豆、奶油豆(butter beans)和某些品种的碗豆等等梅树种仁也许有,可以将新鲜成熟的梅树打开尝尝看有没有苦味 维生素B17的治疗恶性肿瘤细胞;和维生素C对治... 2 ?牛油豆 ... 牧豆树属 prosopis 牛油豆 butter beans 膨皮豆 dolichos beans ... 3 ?羊汤炖白凤豆 羊汤炖白凤豆(BUTTER BEANS),日志,JUNLI,美食家,美食博客,美食天下... 4 ?奶油白豆 ... 奶油白菌鸡 Creamed chicken with mushroom 奶油白豆 Butter Beans 奶油扒白蘑 Mushroom in white sauce ...
- 1
Most of these foods require inexpensive items such as beans, noodles, peanut butter and frozen veggies. 大部分的这些食品需要廉价的物品,例如豆类,面条,花生酱和冷冻蔬菜。 - 2
They changed their eating habits: instead of costly fruit and meat, Sherrill buys beans and corn and peanut butter, and looks for day-old loaves of bread. 他们甚至改变了饮食习惯:用谢里尔购买的豆子和花生酱以及特地购买的隔夜面包代替了昂贵的水果和肉类。 - 3
But for the most part, she saved money by eating lots of whole grains, beans, lentils, peanut butter and fresh vegetables from the food co-op. 不过大部分时间,她的省钱之道都是从食品合作社买大量全麦、豆子、小扁豆、花生酱和新鲜蔬菜来吃。