释义 |
abrasively 英/ ??bre?s?vli / 美/ ??bre?s?vli / 1 ?粗暴地 粗暴地(abrasively), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
- 1
His family, she now knew, included an abrasively vigorous mother of eighty-seven. 她现在知道,他家里有一位八十七岁,精神矍铄而惹人生气的母亲。 - 2
On his Saturday evening talk show, and everywhere else, he said what he thought abrasively, defiantly, sometimes obscenely. 无论是在他主持的周六晚间脱口秀还是其他场合,他都心直口快,口无遮拦,有时令人愤恨。 - 3
Not everyone can be the Ramones, and really, who else has ever approached that kind of Zen purity with their abrasively minimal songwriting? 不是每个乐队都能跟Ramones乐队一样,除了他们谁也没法靠他们那老调并且狭隘的作曲能力对朋克达到类似佛教中的纯洁(who else has ever approached that kind of Zen purity with their abrasively minimal songwriting?