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1 ?肺动脉血栓形成 肺动脉血栓形成(pulmonary thrombosis)指肺动脉病变根蒂根基上(如肺血管炎、白塞氏病等)原位血栓形成,多见于肺小动脉,并不是外周静脉血栓脱落而至,临床不容易与肺栓塞相... 2 ?肺栓塞 ... [=pulmonalton](德)肺动脉音 [=pulmonary thrombosis]肺栓塞 [=pulmonary trunk]肺动脉干 ... 3 ?肺动脉栓赛 ...失败,如脱位,磨损,锁定机制失败,假体断裂等;(3) 深静脉血栓形成(Deep Venous Thrombosis)和肺动脉栓赛(Pulmonary Thrombosis);(4) 人工关节置换术后假体周围感染;(5) 术后神经损伤,血管损伤,假体周围骨折;(6) 人工关节置换术后关节不稳定,关节僵硬;(7) ... 4 ?为肺血栓症 ...eilhi- er[3]研究发现导致该种急性致死性肺部疾病是由于肺动脉内存在凝固的血块所致,故命名为肺血栓症(Pulmonary thrombosis,PT)。
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Objective to explore the risk factors and the forecasting nursing methods of pulmonary thrombosis and embolism (PTE). 目的探讨肺血栓塞症(pte)危险因素和预见性的护理措施。 - 2
No perforation and dissection due to the advancement of the guard-wire or catheter, severe pulmonary thrombosis, infection of the incision or peri-operative death. 无导丝引致的穿孔、夹层,无严重肺梗死,无切口感染及术中术后死亡。 - 3
Increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, heart attack, stroke and cervical cancer. 增加静脉血栓形成,肺栓塞,心脏病,中风和宫颈癌的风险。