释义 |
1 ?复制错误 ... 宿主的防御能力host defense (基因)复制错误 replication errors 基因修复 gene repair ... 2 ?复制过错 ... 宿主的防备才能host defense (基因)复制过错 replication errors 基因修复 gene repair ... 3 ?故又称复制错误 MSI即指由于复制错误引起地重复单位长度地变化,故又称复制错误(replication errors, RER)阳性表现。 4 ?例为复制错误 大肠癌微卫星不稳定性及其临床意义 选位点PCR产物用8%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、银染。 结果 60例大肠癌中,20例表现MI,其中11例为复制错误(replication errors, RER)阳性。RER阳性与RER阴性大肠癌患者相比,发病年龄较年轻,一级亲属有恶性肿瘤病史者明显高于RER阴
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As influenza viruses pass from one person, or bird, to another, they normally pick up random changes in their genes because of errors in viral replication. 当流感病毒由一个人或一只鸟传给另一个人或鸟时,由于病毒复制错误,它们通常会带上基因中的随机变化。 - 2
The key point about replication conflicts is that handling the errors is domain-specific. - 3
Mutations can be induced by radiation, chemical treatment, foreign pathogens (e.g. viruses), or due to errors that occur during replication of the genome each time a cell divides. 突变可以是由辐射、化学作用、外部病原体(如:病毒)或细胞分裂时基因组复制错误造成。