释义 |
- 公关人员:指从事公关工作的人员,负责组织和管理公关活动,维护和提升企业或个人形象。
1 ?公关先生 ... median.媒介,想知道新闻界 杂志。新闻曝光 PR man公关先生 master headn.报头,新闻界。 新闻界。纯消息 ...
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Matt O’Connor, the outfit’s founder (and a PR man), says his first pop-up let him launch his brand for a tenth of the normal cost, while testing product ideas. 当测试产品时,马特奥康纳装备的创始人(和公关的人)说,他的第一次“弹出式”艺术才让他开始了打造自己的品牌,仅仅占其中的十分之一。 - 2
"Barnett Shale properties are like the beautiful woman at the prom, " one company PR man told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in 2005. "Everybody wants to dance with her. 2005年,一家公司的公关人员对《沃斯堡明星电讯报》表示:“巴奈特页岩田的财富就像是舞会上的漂亮女人,每个人都想和她跳舞。” - 3
A West Coast real estate executive, he had an M.B.A. from a prestigious university and was “a very intellectual, serious man, ” said Ms. DiNardo, president of TK/PR, a public relations firm. 玛丽是一个公关公司的董事,她告诉我们那个给他发笑脸的客户是来自美国西海岸的房地产执行官,拥有名校的MBA学位,是一个平时作风一丝不苟的商人。