??特权时间百分比(%Privileged Time)?处理器用于在特权模式下(即,执行操作系统功能和运行驱动器,如I / O )工作时间的百分比。
No matter that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by a privileged few in a time of rampant starvation and the suppression of Native Americans—Hale wanted her Thanksgiving.
Inspiration for Open Space came from a small village in West Africa called Balmah where I was privileged to be a guest of the Chief for a period of time.
Open Space的灵感来源于西非的一个名为Balmah的小村庄,有一阵我作为首领的客人享有很多特权。
Over the course of my education and research career to date, I have been privileged to spend so much of my time in the company of great people.