定义 中文名称: 孔隙-流体模式 英文名称: pore-fluid model 定义: 甲烷气体来源为原地生物气、从深海向上迁移的生物气和热解气,通过孔隙、断层、泥底辟等运移或渗漏,扩散迁移到水合物稳定带,形成天然气水合物的一种形成模式。
Articular cartilage, which is composed with a solid phase of collagen fibers and proteoglycan and a porefluid phase, can be depicted with two-phase porous medium model based on mixture theory.
This paper introduces the GCEMC method, pore models commonly used in the simulations of adsorption on activated carbons and the fluid-fluid and the fluid - wall potential model.