释义 |
1 ?招待员 ... pulldown 折叠式的 puller-in 招待员 pullet 小母鸡 ...
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An older woman with marketing to do, for instance, can arrive in a rickshaw, have the rickshaw puller wait until she comes back from various stalls to load her purchases, and then be taken home. 例如,一个要买东西的老妇人可以坐人力车来,让人力车车夫等她从各个摊位回来装上她买的东西,然后拉她回家。 - 2
Russia is always a crowd-puller too, but what role it ends up playing depends what mood it is in. 俄罗斯也经常成为大众关注的对象,但它最后会起什么作用取决于它的心情如何。 - 3
But there is more to this than the traditional Iranian belief, grounded, it has to be said, in history, that Britain is the master string-puller behind all that is bad that happens in Tehran. 但是,对于这件事,必须提到的是,比伊朗人的传统信仰更现实的是,在历史上,德黑兰发生的一切灾难,背后的主要推动者都是英国。