释义 |
- n.(Pujol)人名;(葡)普若尔;(法)皮若尔;(西)普霍尔
1 ?普霍尔 ...奏家阿尔卡斯(Arcas)和吉他制作家多列斯(Torres),到近代吉他之父泰雷加(Tarrega),再到泰雷加的弟子柳贝特(Llobet)和普霍尔(Pujol)等,一代大师们的努力,已经使吉他为复兴做好了一切准备。 2 ?普约尔 马德里第63诉讼法院的女法官普约尔(Pujol)本日宣听听原定于本周末举行的西甲、西乙告原定于本周末举行的西甲、西乙 法官以为“在目前的情景下有必要对业已生计的由西班牙足... 3 ?名字 ... 所属州: NV 名字: Pujol 姓: Antonio ... 4 ?谭立武 ... > Domergue J > 皮敦厚 > Zhu XD > 江克明 > Pujol H > 谭立武 ...
- 1.
"If we exhaust all legal routes to get a referendum we won't stop, " says Mr Pujol. BBC: Catalan leaders seek independence vote, legal or not - 2.
Now Mr Pujol says he will delay it while he negotiates with Hollywood's honchos. ECONOMIST: Catalans versus Hollywood - 3.
But on November 16th, after 23 years in office, Mr Pujol will leave the stage. ECONOMIST: Charlemagne: Europe's rebellious regions | The