释义 |
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Alongside Wadi Naam, a dusty Bedouin camp of 4, 000 people, a toxic waste plant puffs away. 在一个容纳四千名贝都因人的聚居点中,环境肮脏不已,空气中弥漫着从一座废料厂发出的有毒气体。 - 2
Even a big dog usually runs away if the cat it is chasing suddenly turns, puffs up, and hisses. 甚至在大狗追逐猫的时候,猫突然回转身,呜呜喷气,发出嘶嘶声,大狗通常也会逃之夭夭。 - 3
Even before the murder, but also did not forget to point a table full of food, then cool The wind puffs the clouds away. 甚至,在杀人前,还不忘点了满满一桌的食物,风卷残云之后再冷静杀人施然离去。