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1 ?马德罗港 马德罗港(PUERTO MADERO)是布宜诺斯艾利斯最新开发的市区。这个年轻的市区,建造在古老的海港港区中。 2 ?马德罗 bigmir)net TOP 100 港口 波多黎各马德罗 (Puerto Madero), 墨西哥, 海运费,货物承运,集装箱运输,集装箱跟踪,运费报价,船运公司,海事保险,运价交易,海运软件开发,集装箱运价交易... 3 ?马蒂洛港 同样怀旧的还有马蒂洛港(Puerto Madero),这是贰个旧港口,船闸内有供参观的古帆船,昔日的船埠仓库此刻都改装成餐馆,价格比另贰个著名观光区Recoleta要便宜许多,是晚餐%26... 4 ?木头港 如果走水路,从布宜诺布艾利斯木头港(Puerto Madero)出发可直接到蒂格雷的轮渡码头(Estacion Fluvial),船票为75比索;私人水上观光游可以游览更多的沿途景点,票价约为普通轮渡的...
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For an upscale night out, head to Puerto Madero alongside the eastern Rio de le Plata riverbank. BBC: Living in: The world??s best cities for dating - 2.
The toxic smoke affected Puerto Madero, Congreso, San Telmo and other central areas of the Argentine capital. BBC: Chinese pesticide cloud alarms Buenos Aires - 3.
Before Faena the 49-year-old son of a second-generation Syrian Jewish textile manufacturer Puerto Madero was just another stretch of urban wasteland. WSJ: Alan Faena's Argentine Residence