

单词 popular history
popular history
  • 简明释义
  • 通俗历史
  • 网络释义
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    这类书在美国被称为通俗历史 (Popular History)。从经院学术的角度来看,不属于阳春白雪。

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    ...文发表 - xzbu.com 中国论文网 关键词:通俗史论 现代诙谐写史 通俗平民写史 心灵成长写史 [gap=811]Key words: Popular history; Writing history of modern humorous; Writing history of popular civilian; Writi..

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    The wavering views he voiced about Gran and how he wrote her out of what would become a definitive popular history of the era, crushed her.
    他对 Gran 前后不一致的态度,以及之后他对她的控诉,成为那个时代中一段被普遍认可为事实的历史,将她压得喘不过气来。
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    Unfortunately, however, "the War Lovers" is the sort of popular history that misleads as much as it entertains.
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    A journal of popular history founded in 1920 by the Hudson Bay Company to celebrate its 250th anniversary, it is now owned by others.
    《河狸》是一种面向普通读者的历史刊物,已有250年历史的哈德逊湾公司在1920年创刊了该杂志。 但该杂志现在已经易主。




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