释义 |
- 1
If the character is an operator, pop operators until you reach an opening parenthesis, an operator of lower precedence, or a right associative symbol of equal precedence. 如果字符是个操作符,弹出(pop)操作符,直至遇见开括号(opening parenthesis)、优先级较低的操作符或者同一优先级的右结合符号。 - 2
If the character is an operator, pop two operands, perform the appropriate operation, and then push the result onto the stack. 如果字符是个操作符,弹出两个操作数,执行恰当操作,然后把结果压入堆栈。 - 3
Depending on the metric and the operator that you select, you are presented with the appropriate field, button or pop-up to help you accurately enter the value. 根据选择的指标和操作符,会出现适当的框、按钮或弹出窗口以帮助准确地输入值。