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可怜的蛇 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?穷人 ... hedge-writer 穷文人,寒士,穷人 poor snake 穷人,干苦活的人 the poor 穷人 ...
- 1
Now, the stepmother of these poor children was a wicked witch.She had seen the children go away, and, following them cautiously like a snake, had bewitched all the springs and streams in the forest. 此时,这两个可怜孩子的继母是个邪恶的女巫,她已经发现孩子们离家出走了,并且,她像蛇一样谨慎的跟着他们,还对这个树林里的所有小溪和小河施了魔法。 - 2
Now, the stepmother of these poor children was a wicked witch. She had seen the children go away, and, following them cautiously like a snake, had bewitched all the springs and streams in the forest. 此时,这两个可怜孩子的继母是个邪恶的女巫,她已经发现孩子们离家出走了,并且,她像蛇一样谨慎的跟着他们,还对这个树林里的所有小溪和小河施了魔法。 - 3
Said a farmer in the cold of winter to see a snake frozen, that it is very poor, so it picked up, the carefully goes to arms, warm with the warmth of its body. 说一个农夫在寒冷的冬天里看见一条蛇冻僵了,觉得它很可怜,就把它拾起来,小心翼翼地揣进怀里,用暖热的身体温暖着它。