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可怜的皮肤 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Yaws, a disease which eats away at the skin, cartilage and bones of its victims (mostly children), is re-emerging in poor, rural and marginalized populations of Africa, Asia and South America. 雅司病是一种逐渐侵蚀患者(大部分是儿童)的皮肤、软骨和骨头的疾病,它再度出现在非洲、亚洲和南美洲贫穷、农村和边缘化人口中。 - 2
And so our poor celebrity had faded by the fall, till but for skin and bones, there was no ass at all. 所以,到了秋天,我们这位可怜的大名人就垮了,只剩下皮包骨了,简直都不成样子了。 - 3
That poor brat, I remember, and I seem to see him now, when he lay nude on the dissecting table, how his ribs stood out on his skin like the graves beneath the grass in a cemetery. 这可怜的小娃娃,我还记得,好象就在眼前一样,当他赤身露体躺在解剖桌上时,皮下肋骨突出,好象墓地草丛下的坟穴。