...布候选版对 Windows Media ? Player 进行了一些增强,并引入了一种激动人心的新特性, 称作远程媒体流(Remote Media Streaming),该特性使您能随时随地享受家庭数字媒体服 务。
RemoteMediaStreaming. Windows 7 RC1 also offers an easier way to stream music and movies from your home to remote locations.
远程流媒体Windows 7 RC1还提供更简单的方式来远程传输音乐和电影到你的电脑上。
While it's possible to do that without Windows 7, Price says the new configuration tools for RemoteMediaStreaming make the process dead simple to set up.
Another new feature is RemoteMediaStreaming that allows you to stream your music collection from one Windows 7 machine to another Windows 7 machine over the Internet.