... 所属州: SD 名字: Borge 姓: Dean ...
... 哈菲兹(Hafiz) 博尔赫斯(Borge) 哲米勒(Jamil) ...
维托·埔柱 ; 他的名字叫做波齐 ; 丹尼斯和维克托 ; 幽默家
伯格·奥斯兰 ; 奥斯兰
莫根森 ; 布吉·穆根森
Also convicted of conspiracy to defraud was Borge Andersen, 66, a Dane, from South Kensington who was jailed for 39 months.
BBC: 'Lord' Edward Davenport jailed for fraud
An early arrival on the scene was the Sandinist guru and former interior minister, Tomas Borge, wearing his pyjamas and a worried expression.
ECONOMIST: Nicaragua
And 90-year-old Victor Borge left his native Denmark at the start of World War II and arrived in New York in 1940 not knowing a word of English.
BBC: Connery and Wonder honoured