兰德尔(Randell)于1930年,认为玻璃由微晶与无定形物质两部分组成,微晶具 有规则的原子排列并与无定形物质间有明显的界限,微晶尺寸为1.0~1.5n...
英语作文中关于“方向”方位的表达 关于杨利伟的英语作文范文 写好高中作文的原则技巧 关键词: 逆向冲击Randell篇(第二章)日常探险(上),日常,冲击 编辑:特约讲师...
... 名字: Robertson 姓: Randell 标签: Randell Robertson ...
... 所属州: MA 名字: Randell 姓: J ...
兰德尔·施韦勒 ; 兰德尔·斯维勒
Mr Randell has a physical disability, but has never worked with a disabled workforce.
BBC: Remploy factory re-opens as social enterprise
Anyway, being a Democratic Pennsylvania, e-mails John(ph), I would like to see an Obama-Randell ticket.
NPR: Political Junkie: Three Weeks to Pennsylvania
The door that Prof Randell first pushed at is now wide open, he said.
BBC: The road to uncovering a wartime Colossus