释义 |
- n.(Pomeranz)人名;(法)波默朗;(英、意)波梅兰兹;(罗)波梅兰茨
1 ?彭慕兰 美国加州大学教授Kenneth Pomeranz(彭慕兰)作为本场讨论会的评论人,对各位报告人的论文给予充分肯定。 2 ?大分流 这个“大分流”(Pomeranz,2000)是一个令社会科学家着迷的问题,英国的李约瑟博士很早就在他关于中国科技史的论述中提到这个现象。
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In fact, both the Eurocentric approach with the personage of Hegel and Weber, and the China-centered approach representative of Frank and Pomeranz jointly indicate th. 不论是以黑格尔、韦伯等人为代表的“欧洲中心论”,还是以弗兰克、彭慕兰等人为代表的“中国中心取向”,欧洲人认识中国的基本立场其实从未脱离欧洲本位。 - 2
The story of what Kenneth Pomeranz, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine, has called "the Great Divergence" between East and West began much earlier. 美国加州大学欧文分校的历史教授Kenneth Pomeranz所谓的东方与西方之间“大分流开始得更早。” - 3
The story of what Kenneth Pomeranz, a history professor at the University of California , Irvine , has called "the Great Divergence" between East and West began much earlier. 肯尼。 彭慕兰,加州大学欧文分校的一位历史教授,认为东西方之间“大分流”的故事很早就开始了。