释义 |
- n.(Pomerantz)人名;(英、法、罗)波梅兰茨
1 ?波默朗茨 在阿里巴巴市值两日蒸发超过300亿美元的同时,美国东部时间1月29日,主打证券诉讼官司的波默朗茨(Pomerantz)律师事务所声称,为保护投资者利益,正在对阿里巴巴集团及其部分高管和(或)董事进行调查。
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The point, says Schwab-Pomerantz, is to get an idea of each other's money personality. Pomerantz认为,重要的是要了解清楚对方的金钱观念。 - 2
Ultimately though, for aid to succeed, Africa and its international partners must develop trusting relationships, says Pomerantz. 援助最终要取得成功,非洲与国际社会必须建立互信关系,帕姆兰茨说。 - 3
"Kids who have these high-quality relationships, who feel they can trust their parents and who feel close to their parents, also feel more responsible for their parents," Pomerantz said. “那些与父母有着良好关系的孩子,那些感到可以信任父母和父母关系密切的孩子会对父母更加负责。”Pomerantz说。