释义 |
1 ?节俭原则 ...用显著测试((significant test)计算嵌套模型间扩值的差异,视△才(Adf)之显著程度而决定是否根据节俭原则(principle of parsimony)取舍较受限制的模型。 2 ?精简原则 ... 最适性原则 principle of optimality 精简原则 principle of parsimony 随机化原则 principle of randomization ... 3 ?原理 Williams)周到叙述了繁复性的原理(principle of parsimony),超个体。与汉密尔顿彷佛的推理相一致,北京66减肥网读书。
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A fantastic story, like a horse with wings, flies in the face of the principle of parsimony. 一个完美的故事需要有天马行空的思想,完全不用考虑简约的原则。 - 2
Principle of Parsimony: Write large components only when it is clear by demonstration that nothing else will do. 吝啬原则:除非能够明确证明别无它法,否则不要编写大的组件。