计算相变热的经验公式 蒸发热的经验公式: ⑴特鲁顿(Trouton)法则 ⑵里德尔(Reidel)法则 ⑶克-克(Clausius-Clapeyron)方程 ⑷沃森(Watson)公式 第二节 常用热力学物性数据 b T C H 1 V br c br c T p T ...
... 标签: M Opalka 地址说明: Rd 街道地址: Reidel ...
... 名字: Reidel 姓: George 标签: George Reidel ...
"The Iranian Revolutionary Guard was formed in May 1979, almost immediately after the revolution, " Reidel said.
NPR: The Evolution of Iran's Revolutionary Guard
"It's precisely the kind of political meltdown that al-Qaida thrives in, " says Reidel.
NPR: Al-Qaida-Inspired Groups on Rise in Lebanon
Analyst Bruce Reidel was a CIA officer focused on Iran when the Revolutionary Guard established itself as a major force.