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primitive accumulation of capital - 资本的原始积累:指在资本主义生产方式形成之前,通过剥夺农民土地、掠夺殖民地等手段,使一部分人积累起大量财富的过程。
1 ?资本原始积累 ...资本原始积累;农业剩余;技术资本;社会资本。[gap=2338]Key Word Commune and Brigade Enterprises, Primitive Accumulation of Capital, Surplus of Agricultural Production, Technology Capital, Social Capital.. 2 ?资本的原始积累 桑亚尔的分析中的关键概念是资本的原始积累(primitive accumulation of capital),有时也被称为资本的初级积累(primary or original accumulation of capital)。
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What does the primitive accumulation of capital, i. e. , its historical genesis, resolve itself into? 资本的原始积累,即资本的历史起源,究竟是指什么呢? - 2
This choice is made on the following grounds:1)economically, it would provide primitive accumulation of capital for the country's industrialization; 这一历史必然在于:经济上为工业化建设提供资本原始积累; - 3
China's enterprises are surpassing primitive capital accumulation period to seek profit maximization and enter a period of "corporate citizenship". 我国企业正在超越原始资本积累时期片面追求利润最大化而进入一个崭新的“企业公民”阶段。