释义 |
- 红柳:一种生长在河岸、湖边等水域附近的植物,以其红色的树皮和枝条而闻名。
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Branch has breathed new bud, everywhere is red flowers, green willows, the flowers are in bud. 树枝上已经吐露新芽,遍地都是红花绿柳,花儿们也含苞欲放。 - 2
Twenty women with loads of purple red water chestnuts, green water caltrops and snow-white lotus roots walking in a single file, like willows swaying in the wind, were a wonderful sight! 一二十个姑娘媳妇,挑着一担担紫红的荸荠、碧绿的菱角、雪白的连枝藕,走成一长串,风摆柳似的嚓嚓地走过,好看得很。 - 3
After your pleasure journey across this southern town full of red peach blossoms and green willows, you are welcomed to our "Fantawild Holiday Hotel", your pleasing home. 欢迎您在穿越江南小城的桃红绿柳之后,继续沿着一路的鸟语花香,步入我们的“方特假日酒店”——您舒适的家园。