释义 |
红色,白色和蓝色 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
As usual, he and his executives wore red, white and blue Bank of America pins on their lapels. 像往常一样,他和他的经理们都在衣领上戴着着美国银行红白蓝相间的别针。 - 2
Better red, white and blue on Regent Street than red blood on the paving stones, royalists have argued since 1649. 摄政街上红白蓝相间的国旗起码铺路石上的鲜血要好,保皇党自从1649年就在证明这一点。 - 3
The colors are red, white and blue.