The reducingpotential of the NADH is utilized via the methemoglobin reductase pathway to maintain the iron in Hgb in its reduced form (Fe2 +).
高铁血红蛋白还原酶途径利用了NADH的还原电位维持血红蛋白中铁元素的还原态(Fe2 +)。
"We see the potential for capture and storage to play an integral role in reducing emissions," says Kim Corley, Shell's senior advisor of CO2 and environmental affairs.
“我们看到捕获和储存二氧化碳在减少排放方面发挥整体作用的潜力。”壳牌二氧化碳和环境事务高级顾问 Kim Corley 说。
China's one-child policy will keep birth rates low, but as life expectancy continues to increase, so will the dependency ratio, reducing the country's potential for growth.