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减少刀 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?切碎切刀 英语单词查询 ... reducing joint 异径接合, 异径(管)接头, 缩径(管)接头 reducing knife 切碎(装置的)切刀 reducing machine 磨碎机, 粉碎机 ...
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The modularize and open architecture make this system can he used to control rotational gamma knife for head by reducing several modules. 模块化设计结构,使得这种系统经过适当变换就可以适用于头部伽玛刀或其他医疗设备的控制。 - 2
Meanwhile, the manipulator arm and rotary knife inserted, the decomposition Everyone moves are linked, and some may overlap time, thus greatly reducing the time ATC. 同时,机械手手臂的回转和插刀、拔刀的分解动作是联动的,部分时间可重叠,从而大大缩短了换刀时间。 - 3
The working component is composed of capstan and the vertical loosing knife, divided into two groups, by reducing gear impetus. 工作部件由刀盘和立式松土刀组成,分为两组,由减速齿轮带动。