RISC的全称是"精简指令集计算机"(reduced instruction set computer),它支持的指令比较简单,所以功耗小、价格便宜,特别合适移动设备。早期使用ARM芯片的典型设备,就是苹果公司的牛顿PDA。
FreeBSD 术语表_技术手册_在线参考手册_积... ... Received Data (数据已收到) Reduced Instruction Set Computer (精减指令系统计算机; 又译:精简指令集计算机) Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (廉价磁盘冗余阵列) ...
The management of card data is done by RISC (ReducedInstructionSetComputer), keyboard circuit and display circuit, all of which are digital circuits.
Users of this book will gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts of contemporary computer architecture, starting with a ReducedInstructionSetcomputer (RISC).