释义 |
- 红虎:一种红色的老虎,通常用于描述具有红色皮毛的老虎或虚构的动物。
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I raise my head and see a red illuminated EXIT sign and as my eyes adjust I see tigers, cavemen with long spears, cavewomen wearing strategicallymodest skins, wolfish dogs. 我随即来到了一片黑暗中,对着砖地呕吐,我抬起头,看到了红色的出口照明标志,当我适应了黑暗之后,看到了老虎,洞穴里的男人拿着长矛,女人穿着用来表示作战的兽皮,还有凶残的野狗。 - 2
The Toronto Blue Jays, Detroit Tigers, Montreal Expos, Milwaukee Brewers and Boston Red Sox all gave us a warm welcome. 多伦多蓝鸟队、底特律猛虎队、蒙特利尔博览会队、密尔沃基酿酒人队、波斯顿红袜队都热烈欢迎我们去演奏。 - 3
Lake Week, in which the dense forests, tigers, leopards, roe deer, blue sheep, red pandas, monkeys, spot rare animals such as antelopes which come and go, giving people a bit afraid, a little Wild. 湖周,在那茂密的原始森林里,虎、豹、獐、鹿、岩羊、小熊猫、短尾猴、斑羚羊等珍稀动物出没其间,给人几分畏惧,几分野趣。