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1 ?红色条纹 ...红绿色盲检测 软件开发者Michel Fortin最近刚发布了一款名为Red Stripe(红色条纹)的软件,它被设计用于帮助那些患有红绿色症的人。 2 ?红带 标签: Mathew Kneebone, 尤里铃木(Yuri Suzuki), 红带(Red Stripe), 音响 分类 平面和艺术 3 ?红条纹 知情人已经透露奥巴马将喝百威(Bud Lite) 啤酒,盖茨喝牙买加产的红条纹(Red Stripe)酿造酒,而克劳利喝蓝月亮(Blue Moon),基调已经定好,但是否能做到杯酒释前嫌,就看当事人是否领情。 4 [植保]?红条纹病 ... 红条款信用证 letter of credit with red clause 红条纹病 red stripe 红外(线)的 infrared ...
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The outside, the van is nondescript.It doesn't even have a diagonal red stripe. 从外表看,这辆厢式货车平淡无奇,甚至连一条红色斜纹都没有。 - 2
the outside, the van is nondescript. It doesn't even have a diagonal red stripe. 从外表看,这辆厢式货车平淡无奇,甚至连一条红色斜纹都没有。 - 3
Matching them with Yellow Stretch Corduroy Belted Blouse, Mint Chiffon V-neck Blouse, a White, Blue & Red Stripe Button Front Shirt? 弹力灯芯绒匹配黄色腰带衬衫,薄荷雪纺V字领上衣,白色,蓝色和红色条纹衬衫?