释义 |
1 [心理]?思维心理学 ... 思辨心理学 speculative psychology 思维心理学 psychology of thinking 思想工作心理学 psychology of ideological work ... 2 ?心理学 ...在思考时, 喉部肌肉会有肉眼难以察觉的动作失聪者思考, 手腕及手指头也会有肉眼测不到的动作思考心理学(Psychology of thinking)..
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Analogical problem solving has become a prominent topic in the psychology of thinking at present, and schema induction in analogical problem solving is one of the focused aspects. 类比问题解决目前是心理学思维研究领域的一个重要主题,类比问题解决中的图式归纳是这一领域中的研究热点之一。 - 2
Suzanne Segerstrom, professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, believes that the key to increasing optimism is through cultivating optimistic behaviour, rather than positive thinking. 肯塔基大学心理学教授苏珊娜·塞格斯特罗姆认为,增加乐观情绪的关键在于培养乐观行为而不是积极思维。 - 3
Andrew Meltzoff, a professor of psychology at the University of Washington, found infants at about age 1 begin to infer what others are thinking by following the gazes of others. 美国华盛顿大学的心理学教授安德鲁·梅尔索夫发现,大约1岁左右的婴儿即开始通过凝视别人来推断他们都在想些什么。