...还有:阿斯顿马丁RAPIDE S,奥迪全新旗舰A9,宾利欧陆飞驰(Continental Flying Spur),新宝马M6,玛莎拉蒂总裁系列(Quattroporte),捷豹XJ和XS,雷克萨斯LS460等。
玛莎拉蒂全新Quattroporte总裁系列行政版(Quattroporte S),配置了Twin-Scroll双涡管涡轮增压器及燃油直喷技术,现在所有Quattroporte总裁系列车型均可定制!
玛莎拉蒂总裁 ; 玛莎拉蒂经典版
全新总裁系列运动版 ; 动版车型 ; 总裁系列运动版车型 ; 运动版车型
The Italian carmaker says the Quattroporte has new engineering features including a refined lighter-weight chassis design.
FORBES: Say Hello To The 2013 Maserati Quattroporte
Take a long look at the the 2013 Maserati Quattroporte.
More beautiful than a Maserati Quattroporte or a Jaguar XFR.
FORBES: Test Drive: 2011 Aston Martin Rapide