释义 |
材料申请单 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 [工经]?领料单 ... reproductive motivation 再生产动力 requisition for material 领料单 reserved material 后备材料 ...
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Preparing mechanical data sheet, technical specification, material requisition MR for inquiry and preparation of requisitions for purchase. 准备机械设备数据表,技术规格书和材料请购单以用于设备询价,并准备订购版请购单。 - 2
With the improvement and improving of life quality, People require higher and higher to sleep project, the requisition for taste, material of the bedding is being promoted constantly too. 随着生活素质的提高和改善。人们对睡眠工程要求也越来越高,对寝具的品味、质料的要求也不断提升。 - 3
Prepare Specification, Mechanical data sheet, Material Requisition, Technical Bid Evaluation for rotating equipment and packaged equipment, such as compressor, pump, emergency diesel generator. 组织编制设备规格书、数据表和请购书,负责转动设备和成撬设备的评标工作,如:压缩机、泵、发电机组等;