释义 |
pollination 英/ ?p?l??ne??n / 美/ ?pɑ?l??ne??n / - 1
农业科学 授粉 The results are as follows: Pollen grains germinate soon after pollination. 结果表明,授粉后,花粉随即萌发,2个精子进入花粉管,营养核留在花粉粒内,不久解体。 传粉 The results were as followings:The single flowering period is from 11 to 13d, the best pollination period of female flower is about 7d, during which we found pollination drop in room but none in field. 结果如下:毛乌素沙地天然臭柏种群的单花花期一般为11~13 d,雌球花最佳可授期约为7 d左右,可授期雌球花产生传粉滴而野外并未发现。
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生物学 传粉 The study of pollination ecology showed that C. arborescens adapted to anemophily. 2.传粉生态学特征研究表明,华北驼绒藜具有典型的适应风媒传粉的花部特征和性状。 授粉 Further research will be carried out to identify direct evidence of pollination and flower "visits"in these insect and plant fossils. 今后将进一步深入研究,以期在化石中找到昆虫授粉和访花的直接证据。 传粉作用 传粉;授粉
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Pollinations decreased the contents of IAA during the whole fruit development period. 授粉处理降低了度尾文旦柚整个果实发育过程中果皮的IAA含量; - 2
The fruit-setting rates of mutual pollinations between different varieties are much higher than those between a same variety. 品种间花粉相互授粉坐果率远远高于品种内相互授粉的坐果率; - 3
"Any research like this is welcome, remembering that one in three mouthfuls of what everybody eats is down to bee pollinations," a spokesperson said. “任何这样的研究都是受欢迎的,别忘了,大家吃的每三口饭中就有一口来自于蜜蜂授粉。”该协会的一位发言人说。