释义 |
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法学 政治问题 As to how to judge which the political question is, it is difficult to obtain a unified standard. 对于该理论所言的“政治问题”,其判断标准是很难统一的,目前主要有美国联邦最高法院的“布伦南准则”,以及理论界基于司法功能化的分析而得出的判断标准。
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A revolution in genetics has poised this as a modern political question about the character of our society: if personalities are hard-wired into our genes, what can governments do to help us? 遗传学的一场革命将这一问题定位为一个有关我们社会特征的现代政治问题:如果性格与我们的基因紧密相连,那么政府能做些什么来帮助我们呢? - 2
A bigger political question is to whom the police should answer. - 3
Her political future is in question.