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法学 政治行为 People are the main body of the political life, so study of politics can not ignore the human factor. People’s political behavior is affected by their plitical psychology. 政治的主体是人,人的行为是受其心理直接支配的,不同的政治心理必然导出不同的政治行为,从而影响政治制度和政治体制,影响政治变革。 行政行为 Second part , the judicial examination standard in our national political behavior. 第二部分,我国行政行为司法审查标准。
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经济学 政治行为 This paper sums up four change strategies,that is,obtain support,control the power,political behavior and well-prepared. 本文总结归纳出的变革策略为:获取支持、权力控制、政治行为和充分准备。
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Babyfaceness is but one example: political conservatism, style of speech or dress, smiling behavior, or even a Harvard education might also serve a similar disarming function. 娃娃脸只是一个例子:政治保守主义,语言或穿着的风格,微笑的行为,或者乃至哈佛教育也可能作为撤防功能。 - 2
Putting her in this position does create a space for fair comment on her role and behavior at the hearings, much like political wives who campaign for their husbands. 他的这个位置在听证会里的确发明了一个相对公平的言论氛围,就仿佛政客的妻子们为他们的丈夫在选战中助威一样。 - 3
And nonprofit groups market what they do, be it medical research or political actions, when they solicit contributions of time and money or try to influence people's behavior. 当需要(向民众)募集资金,义务工作或是设法影响他们的行为举止时,这些非盈利组织就会把他们所作的工作用于医疗研究或是政法用途。