展现弗洛伊德思想的恢宏篇章--评车文博主编《弗洛伊德文集》(修订版) [心理学探新 Psychological Exploration] 爱因斯坦的科学美学思想探析 A probe into the scientific aethetics of Einstein [安徽师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) Journ...
...层学杂志 Journal of Stratigraphy] 车文博教授七十寿辰及执教五十周年庆典在长春举行 [心理学探新 Psychological Exploration] 仰大师风采 启后学之路--李培生教授学术论文研读心得 [湖北中医学院学报 Journal of Hubei College Traditional Chinese Medic...
In view of physiological and psychological feature, we probe the useful exploration into architecture design of the attention home for the older in function, space, figure, detail and so on.