释义 |
1 ?腰大肌 侧躺时,可在两膝间夹一个枕头来保持骨盆的平衡,两者皆可放松下背腰大肌(Psoas muscle)与竖脊肌(Erector muscle)的用力程度,以减轻腰部负担,达到良好的睡眠品质。 2 ?叉腰肌 ... 槑nut 叉腰肌Psoas muscle 打酱油get some soy sauce ...
- 1
At each segment, the psoas muscle, lumbar plexus, and nerve roots were dissected. - 2
I occasionally 'Buy Soy Sauce' outside, train 'Psoas Muscle' when I am free, and do 'Three Push-ups' on some bridge. 偶尔出来‘打酱油’,没事练练‘叉腰肌’,在某桥上做做‘三个俯卧撑’。 - 3
The specimens including nucleus pulposus, end-plate, spinal cord, nerve root and greater psoas muscle were observed macroscopically and microscopically. 所取标本中实验椎间盘髓核作大体、电镜下和光镜下观察,相应水平的终板、脊髓、神经根和腰大肌作大体、光镜下观察。